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Despite her cute looks she's a little beast and can be pretty sarcastic and offensive. The school is not safe anymore now that she's in charge of a class and her students, Himeko, Ichijou, Rei and a white rabbit who took a liking to Rebecca help her to rough up the school and the neighbour-class … This episode is a transcript for Pani Poni Dash! Episode 10. Director: Action! (The school bell rings.) Mesousa: All rise.

Pani Poni Dash was an anime filled with quirkiness, starting with Becky, a prepubescent high school teacher. For example, Becky illustrates her passage to adulthood by downing an entire aluminum can of Boca-Bola(c) in one sitting. At one point in the show most of …

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Price Match Guarantee. Pani/Slečna Krajina* Arménsko Austrália Rakúsko Bielorusko Bulharsko Nemecko grécko Georgia Taliansko Kazachstan Kanada Kirgizsko Lotyšsko Líbya Litva Rusko Rumunsko United States Slovensko Tadžikistan Uzbekistan Ukrajina Česká republika Švajčiarsko Estónsko Japonsko Maďarsko Poľsko Pani Poni Dash! is a thought provoking, intellectually written and provocative Japanese drama. It has been awarded merits like for hottest gym uniforms and has been voted anime of the eternity everywhere in the Eastern world, including North Korea.

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Jul 25, 2007

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The teacher is an MIT grad. The bad news? She's only 11 years old! So, while Becky Miyamoto may be an intellectual titan, this child prodigy is painfully ill-equipped to Mar 15, 2008 Aug 09, 2006 They failed the end-of-year exams, and now Rei, Himeko, Miyako, Kurumi, Otome, Yuuna and Serizawa find themselves facing the unpalatable prospect of retests - that is, unless they can win a game of kick-the-can against the rest of the students and staff. However, this means that they must contend with genius teacher Becky Miyamoto, who is determined to stop them from claiming victory.

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The good news? The teacher is an MIT grad. The bad news? She's only 11 years old!

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Pani Poni Dash was an anime filled with quirkiness, starting with Becky, a prepubescent high school teacher. For example, Becky illustrates her passage to adulthood by downing an entire aluminum can of Boca-Bola(c) in one sitting. At one point in the show most of …

Pani/Slečna Krajina* Arménsko Austrália Rakúsko Bielorusko Bulharsko Nemecko grécko Georgia Taliansko Kazachstan Kanada Kirgizsko Lotyšsko Líbya Litva Rusko Rumunsko United States Slovensko Tadžikistan Uzbekistan Ukrajina Česká republika Švajčiarsko Estónsko Japonsko Maďarsko Poľsko Pani Poni Dash!